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الجمعة، 5 يوليو 2013

OBama stop your intervention in Egyptian affairs ..30 june is the continues of our revolution against Morsi

We totally reject your intervention in the affairs of Egyptians and refuse to be tutored what to do with our destiny, we are the Great People of Egypt and we are capable of determining our destiny in the best way. It is your country that sponsored terrorism and Al Qaeda. God knows that we are completely loyal to our valiant army, and what happened in Egypt is not a coup .. the army only fulfilled the people's demands.
Please stop supporting terrorism on the land of Egypt, if you choose to support terrorism why don't you do it on your own land in the USA?
I call on the American people and say that your president by supporting those Terrorists of the (Muslims brotherhood) or better called ( non Muslim brotherhood) will politically affect the relations between Egypt and the US. This intervention in our affairs is very provocative to our country and millions of Egyptians.
ارجو من الجميع عمل كوبى من الرسالة دى ووضعها فى كومنت على اى جريدة امريكية او موقع الكونجرس,انا حطيت اسم صفحة على الفيس لجريدة امريكية فى استاتيوس قبل ده......او للكونجرس الامريكى او حتى للبيت الابيض وكل من يتوصل لاى لينك يبعته علشان نقدر نوصل الرسالة دى كالسيل للمجتمع الدولى وللشعب الامريكى وحتى الاتحاد الاوربى.......خلينا نقف جنب جيشنا باللى نقدر عليه.....واهو كله بيقعد على النت بالساعات ارجوكم حاولوا تنشوروا الفكرة دى بسرعة....تحيا مصر ويسقط اوباما والخونة الارهابيين.......شيروا وابعتوا واللى مشترك فى جروبات ينزل الكلام ده علشان الفكرة تنتشر

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