تمكن الإعلاميين الثوار من اعلان البيان التأسيسى لنقابة الإذاعيين ــ راديو و تلفزيون ــ و قد احتوى البيان على 46 مادة تضمن الحفاظ على المهنة و الإرتقاء بالإعلاميين
و فور علم مسئولوا ماسبيرو و اتباعهم بأمر نقابة الإذاعيين قرروا اعلان نقابة عمالية تضم العاملين باتحاد الإذاعة و التلفزيون لضمان فرض السيطرة على الإعلاميين .. لكن الثوار مستمرون فى مقاومتهم .
و هنا قام الاتحاد الدولى ممثلا فى رئيسه وسكرتيره العام وكل الكيانات النقابية المنضمه تحت هذا الكيان الكبير من أسبانيا وأيرلندا والنروييج والبى بى سى وايطاليا ترسل بيانات تأييد وتضامن مع فكرة انشاء نقابة الاذاعيين ( راديو وتليفزيون) تحت التأسيس كما تدعم كذلك حركة ثوار ماسبيرو فى خلق اعلام مهنى ومستقل بإالاذاعه والتليفزيون.
وكان ثوار ماسبيرو قد أعلنوا فى بدايات شهر مارس عن البيان التأسيسى لنقابتهم المهنية، والتى انضم لها الآلاف من الاذاعيين (راديو وتليفزيون)، وهم بصدد عقد أول جمعية عمومية استثنائية لاختيار مجلس للنقابة مؤقت يدير فعاليات النقابة فى الفترة القادمه.
وكان المخرج أيمن عبد الرحمن والمخرج على أبو هميله قد تواصلا مع الاتحاد الدولى للصحفيين من خلال الزميل منير زعرور منسق الشرق الأوسط والعالم العربي فى الاتحاد الدولي للصحفيين، الذى أوصل المجهودات التى يقومان بها هم وزملائهم فى (حركة ثوار ماسبيرو)، وبعد الاعتداءات الاخيرة على المعتصميين فى ماسبيرو قام الاتحاد الدولى للصحفيين بكل نقاباته فى ارسال بيانات تأييد وتضامن لما يقوم به (حركة ثوار ماسبيرو) من أجل انشاء اعلام وطنى حر ومهنى ومستقل ومن اجل ظهور نقابتهم المستقلة نقابة الاذاعيين (راديو وتليفزيون) وهذه بعض من الرسائل التضامنية التى أرسلت لهم
Dear Ali and Ayman,
I am Jim Boumelha, President of the International Federation of Journalists and I have been following your efforts to launch the new union at ERTU through your exchange with Monir Zaaror.
I understand that you are due on May 1st to put together a board with the task of launching the new union. Please be assured that we are behind your efforts and we wish you good luck in your endeavours.
I have asked our member unions in several countries to get their broadcasters to send you messages of support. The issue was raised at a meeting today of union reps from the BBC belonging to the National Union of Journalists in the UK and they pledged full support. I believe that the Deputy General Secretary of the union will get in touch with you. I have also alerted union leaders in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Morocco, Finland, Brazil and Ireland to send you messages which I hope they will do.
Can you please keep me informed of decisions you will be taking at your meeting and, if you want us, the IFJ can put out a statement supporting you? Just give us the details.
We are very much aware of the many dangers following the recent attacks on the strikers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to put pressure on the Egyptian authorities.
In solidarity
Jim Boumelha
International Federation of Journalists
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Dear Ali Abo Hemela and Ayman Ali,
On behalf of the National Union of Journalists, the independent trade union for journalists across the UK and Ireland, I am writing to express our full and support and backing for the efforts of journalists and media workers at ERTU in their work to establish a union for broadcast journalists.
I know this is a major undertaking for you all, and offer you all our good wishes and solidarity in your crucial fight to transform the state TV channels into a public service broadcasting model.
I understand that your first board meeting is on May 1st – please pass on to all present our strongest support and solidarity in the face of the challenges ahead.
I am delighted to say that NUJ representatives representing the union’s 6,000 members working across the BBC – the UK’s own public service broadcaster – met yesterday and asked me to pass on their best wishes and support for your work to set up a union that will help develop ERTU going forward.
In solidarity,
Michelle Stanistreet
General Secretary Elect
National Union of Journalists
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Dear colleagues,
Fraternal greetings from Dublin. On behalf of the Irish Executive Council of the NUJ may we extend sincere good wishes to you and your colleagues as you meet to establish a trade union at the Egyptian state broadcaster ERTU.
We in Ireland know the value of public service broadcasting and deeply appreciate the commitment of journalists at ERTU to the concept of independent journalism and to public service broadcasting, in the face of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. That commitment to public service broadcasting is shared by NUJ members everywhere.
May we take this opportunity to salute the courage, determination and strong principles which you have displayed to date. We know that on this foundation you will build a strong, effective union.
Rest assured of our goodwill.
Yours in solidarity
Norma Prendiville
Séamus Dooley
Irish Secretary
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Dear colleagues,
Through the International Federation of Journalists, we have known of your efforts to build a union in the Egyptian state broadcaster ERTU.
As journalists and members of our union Federación de Sindicatos de Periodistas, we defend the democratic values of any national broadcasting public service. We express to you our full solidarity in the fight against propaganda and in favour of a balanced broadcasting in Egypt.
We are sure the launch of your union in this First of May is a major change for media landscape in your country as well as for a better future in a democratic Egypt. Congratulations and solidarity.
Dardo Gómez
Federation of Journalists Unions (Spain
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Federation of Journalists Unions (Spain
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Dear Ali Abo Hemela and Ayman Ali,
We want to hereby show our support on your efforts of creating a working
union at the Egyptian State Broadcasting Company ERTU.
An organized trade union is the best guarantee for an equal treatment of
workers defining decent working terms and conditions. A recognized fact is
that the rights of workers play an essential part in creating a democratic
Don´t ever stop believing in your goals. You are not alone, your issues are
being followed by worker´s unions worldwide. Only by uniting workers is a
more sustainable social and economic development possible.
We wish you success in your struggle.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic19314.gif)
YOT Ylen ohjelmatyöntekijät /Trade Union of the Finnish Broadcasting
YOT organizes 2800 journalistic workers at the Finnish Broadcasting Company
(YLE) in Finland.
Best wishes,
Jari Niemelä
وكان ثوار ماسبيرو قد أعلنوا فى بدايات شهر مارس عن البيان التأسيسى لنقابتهم المهنية، والتى انضم لها الآلاف من الاذاعيين (راديو وتليفزيون)، وهم بصدد عقد أول جمعية عمومية استثنائية لاختيار مجلس للنقابة مؤقت يدير فعاليات النقابة فى الفترة القادمه.
وكان المخرج أيمن عبد الرحمن والمخرج على أبو هميله قد تواصلا مع الاتحاد الدولى للصحفيين من خلال الزميل منير زعرور منسق الشرق الأوسط والعالم العربي فى الاتحاد الدولي للصحفيين، الذى أوصل المجهودات التى يقومان بها هم وزملائهم فى (حركة ثوار ماسبيرو)، وبعد الاعتداءات الاخيرة على المعتصميين فى ماسبيرو قام الاتحاد الدولى للصحفيين بكل نقاباته فى ارسال بيانات تأييد وتضامن لما يقوم به (حركة ثوار ماسبيرو) من أجل انشاء اعلام وطنى حر ومهنى ومستقل ومن اجل ظهور نقابتهم المستقلة نقابة الاذاعيين (راديو وتليفزيون) وهذه بعض من الرسائل التضامنية التى أرسلت لهم
Dear Ali and Ayman,
I am Jim Boumelha, President of the International Federation of Journalists and I have been following your efforts to launch the new union at ERTU through your exchange with Monir Zaaror.
I understand that you are due on May 1st to put together a board with the task of launching the new union. Please be assured that we are behind your efforts and we wish you good luck in your endeavours.
I have asked our member unions in several countries to get their broadcasters to send you messages of support. The issue was raised at a meeting today of union reps from the BBC belonging to the National Union of Journalists in the UK and they pledged full support. I believe that the Deputy General Secretary of the union will get in touch with you. I have also alerted union leaders in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Morocco, Finland, Brazil and Ireland to send you messages which I hope they will do.
Can you please keep me informed of decisions you will be taking at your meeting and, if you want us, the IFJ can put out a statement supporting you? Just give us the details.
We are very much aware of the many dangers following the recent attacks on the strikers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to put pressure on the Egyptian authorities.
In solidarity
Jim Boumelha
International Federation of Journalists
Dear Ali Abo Hemela and Ayman Ali,
On behalf of the National Union of Journalists, the independent trade union for journalists across the UK and Ireland, I am writing to express our full and support and backing for the efforts of journalists and media workers at ERTU in their work to establish a union for broadcast journalists.
I know this is a major undertaking for you all, and offer you all our good wishes and solidarity in your crucial fight to transform the state TV channels into a public service broadcasting model.
I understand that your first board meeting is on May 1st – please pass on to all present our strongest support and solidarity in the face of the challenges ahead.
I am delighted to say that NUJ representatives representing the union’s 6,000 members working across the BBC – the UK’s own public service broadcaster – met yesterday and asked me to pass on their best wishes and support for your work to set up a union that will help develop ERTU going forward.
In solidarity,
Michelle Stanistreet
General Secretary Elect
National Union of Journalists
Dear colleagues,
Fraternal greetings from Dublin. On behalf of the Irish Executive Council of the NUJ may we extend sincere good wishes to you and your colleagues as you meet to establish a trade union at the Egyptian state broadcaster ERTU.
We in Ireland know the value of public service broadcasting and deeply appreciate the commitment of journalists at ERTU to the concept of independent journalism and to public service broadcasting, in the face of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. That commitment to public service broadcasting is shared by NUJ members everywhere.
May we take this opportunity to salute the courage, determination and strong principles which you have displayed to date. We know that on this foundation you will build a strong, effective union.
Rest assured of our goodwill.
Yours in solidarity
Norma Prendiville
Séamus Dooley
Irish Secretary
Dear colleagues,
Through the International Federation of Journalists, we have known of your efforts to build a union in the Egyptian state broadcaster ERTU.
As journalists and members of our union Federación de Sindicatos de Periodistas, we defend the democratic values of any national broadcasting public service. We express to you our full solidarity in the fight against propaganda and in favour of a balanced broadcasting in Egypt.
We are sure the launch of your union in this First of May is a major change for media landscape in your country as well as for a better future in a democratic Egypt. Congratulations and solidarity.
Dardo Gómez
Federation of Journalists Unions (Spain
Federation of Journalists Unions (Spain
Dear Ali Abo Hemela and Ayman Ali,
We want to hereby show our support on your efforts of creating a working
union at the Egyptian State Broadcasting Company ERTU.
An organized trade union is the best guarantee for an equal treatment of
workers defining decent working terms and conditions. A recognized fact is
that the rights of workers play an essential part in creating a democratic
Don´t ever stop believing in your goals. You are not alone, your issues are
being followed by worker´s unions worldwide. Only by uniting workers is a
more sustainable social and economic development possible.
We wish you success in your struggle.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic19314.gif)
YOT Ylen ohjelmatyöntekijät /Trade Union of the Finnish Broadcasting
YOT organizes 2800 journalistic workers at the Finnish Broadcasting Company
(YLE) in Finland.
Best wishes,
Jari Niemelä